Does harold and kumar actors smoke weed
Does harold and kumar actors smoke weed

does harold and kumar actors smoke weed

He doesn’t (or maybe can’t) distinguish between what’s funny and what isn’t, devoting the same slapdash energy to both kinds and figuring the audience will decide. The film’s smartest sight gag: when something is thrown at the camera, the lens appears to crack.įirst-time-feature director Todd Strauss-Schulson, from MTV, has the right attitude for low comedy. Fox co-director Mark Gustafson), hot dogs and many a Star of David splatters the patrons and a penis grows to Godzilla size, to be used as a truncheon to pound the sensitivity out of any scrupulous moviegoer. In a drug-dream in stop-motion Claymation (animated in the Rankin-Bass style by Fantastic Mr.


In fond tribute to old horror series ( Jaws, Amityville, Friday the 13th) whose only inspiration for their third installments was that they be shot in 3-D, H&K 3D Xmas hurls and sprays all manner of solid, liquids and gases at the camera and into the audience: bong smoke, cocaine snowstorms and pellets, baby poo and other bodily emissions. No prize for guessing which of Harold’s body parts suffers the same indignity.


Jon Hurwitz and Hayden Schlossberg, writers of all three H&K films, must have made a list of the major Christmas movies ( A Christmas Carol) and TV shows (the Rankin-Bass Frosty the Snowman), checked it twice and worked hard to find scurrilous or sacrilegious twists - like the scene from A Christmas Story where Ralphie’s tongue gets stuck to an icy pole. The Motion Picture Association of America has awarded H&K 3D Xmas an R rating “for strong crude and sexual content, graphic nudity, pervasive language, drug use and some violence.” That’s the merest précis of the movie’s offenses, to which we could add naked nuns in the shower, topless angels flanking a dude Jesus in Heaven, a cocaine-fueled infant, rude jokes about blacks, Jews, Koreans, Indians and Ukrainians and, for Christmas, a foul-mouth Santa who gets shot in the face. Within minutes of Kumar’s arrival at Harold’s home - bearing a mysterious package that, when opened, reveals a massive marijuana stogie - the tree is in flames, the bay window smashed and Harold’s happy domesticity in tatters. This is the immutable law of farce: all things precious must be destroyed. The candy canes and the tree come down, along with every totem of Harold’s propriety and the Yule season’s piety. It takes no Judd Apatow to predict what happens next. Her tough father (Danny Trejo) approves of the candy canes but insists that the fake tree be replaced by a 12-foot Douglas fir that he has lovingly grown for this very occasion. On this family-est of holidays, Harold is preparing for a visit from the Latino relatives of his wife Maria (Paula Garcés). But opposites also repel, and years later the two amigos are barely on speaking terms. I always pictured him as an old white guy.” Exactly: he’s the grownup, Kumar the reckless kid. On meeting Harold, one friend of Kumar’s says, “You never told me Harold was Asian. He’d go on these trips because he and Kumar were pals, and because every movie-comedy duo needs a straight man, an interlocutor for the more repressed members of the audience and a reluctant participant in chaos. And Harold the Korean-American lawyer would tag along - to a White Castle in the 2004 film and to Guantanamo prison and an encounter with George W. His Indian-American, not American-Indian, friend would get kicked out of med school for failing a drug test, then lurch off on arrant pilgrimages in search of the perfect joint. Harold was always the normal one, the superego to Kumar’s voracious pharmaceutical id. Harold (John Cho) has finally achieved the serenity - a good job, a loving wife, a nice piece of property - that had eluded him in his days with Kumar (Kal Penn).

does harold and kumar actors smoke weed

Inside, in the living room, stands a fine “faux” Christmas tree.

does harold and kumar actors smoke weed

In front of a handsome house in a New York City suburb, six-foot candy canes ornament either side of the flagstone path to the front door. 24 in the lively, ripely, blithely obscene A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas.

Does harold and kumar actors smoke weed